Friday, April 20, 2012

how i accidentally watched science fiction and liked it

wow. not a fan of change and blogger has changed.  well it would help if i blogged more than twice a year.


my husband loves things like fucking harry potter, lord of the rings and such....i think they call this genre 'fantasy".  He also loves science fiction stargate, star wars, star trek and.....

battlestar gallactica.

Basically , I have been making fun of him (and countless others )for years.  I have been quoted as saying "lord of the rings is a nice movie", meanwhile it is a cinematic miracle.  I think Harry Potter is "cute" and  most science fiction is completely unbelievable. Um,  I think it's supposed to be.

I like drama. I like comedy.  I like irony.  I like paradox. Satire.  Things I enjoy have to feel human.  Mostly like they could actually happen. 

One evening, in a fit of frequent insomnia, I decided to pay attention to the DVD he put on.  We cancelled cable months ago to save money, so anything we watch in our bedroom has to be on DVD. Thankfully he did not put on anything involving swords and horses but insteead he put on the first season of Battlestar Gallactica with commentary.  I watched it. Because I couldn't sleep.  He was out cold in 4 minutes.  And I kept watching.  And kept watching. 

The next day I decided it would be a good show to watch at night before bed.  I had been re-watching my box set of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" to death and honestly I think it was starting to make me a truly awful human being (and that's ok).  But what I did not realize is that It's Always Sunny would simply soothe me off to sleep ..... Battlestar would become an obsession. and a mission. that would last two months.

4.5 seasons.  75 episodes.  of manic depressive torture.

i don't know if you have seen the show, and if you want to, don't read anymore of this blog,
 but as much as I needed to watch it, it was depressing the shit out of me.  BS is the story of a fleet of ships in space after all civilization outside of them has been destroyed due to an unexpected attack by Cylons (robots, aircraft and sometimes robot people, that humans created...).  They are searching for a new planet to live on while fighting a war against the Cylons; who outnumber them greatly and have much more advanced technology and abilities.

And wait it gets worse.  Cylons....they also live amongst the civilians....but ya can't tell because they look like humans.  I mean, sometimes, you suspect it but really there is no way to know, until of course they shoot you in the stomach suddenly....then you start to realize it.  Oh and wait the Cylons....sometimes THEY don't even know they are cylons until suddenly something triggers them.  So, they think they are human and then BAM....they are committing acts of terror and hearing Jimi Hendrix songs in the walls.

Humans and Cylons sometimes fall in love.  Sometimes they have a baby. That baby is super special ...because both the Cylons and humans want to preserve an ever dwindling race. 

Lots of people hallucinate things.  Either because they are angels, or because they are on drugs for fatal diseases....or because they haven't slept in weeks cos they are dealing with a tremendous amount of bullshit.  Like flying around in space, running out of food and other resources...searching for Earth , only to find Earth and realize that it was destroyed a ka-billion years ago in a similar fashion as their planets were.

I forgot to mention that pretty much everyone is a selfish asshole too, and it;s a miracle they lasted as long as they did to begin with. 

So, I became addicted to and completed this series over a few months - because I have a full time job and a child to watch.  I got to a point where I said please I just want this miserable shit to be over with already so I can get back to my life and normal bedtime again. 

All in all, I am pretty happy I watched it.  I am sure my husband is pleased too, because his wife who would never even stay in the room for 5 minutes when anything like this is on screen, became fanatically involved.  I did not learn much of anything from it at all, and aside from a new found paranoia that we will destroy humanity repeatedly, I walked away relatively unscathed.

Last night I watched "Match Point" (Woody Allen) to try and get back to my drama roots. It just wasn't the same. Every one was human and no one could fly a viper.   I don't actually think I am sold now as a sci-fi fan because I have zero interest in watching ANYTHING like this for a long while. 

Unless the new BS Series Blood and Chrome actually does get released.....

Jesus, next thing I know I will be at Comic Con.

After the 2 part episde of "BattleStar Gallactica: Razor"  I am going to watch It's Always Sunny and get my life back on track.