Friday, May 23, 2008

today's interview - like sand in my bathing suit - only less comfortable

hello world. yes i am still blogging for all 10 of you who read this. Things have been hectic as of late. I have given myself over to staffing agencies. Been interviewing a bit more. Still have yet to find a job.

Today I had an interview that required I dress up in a suit and heels and smile a lot. The past few years I have been able to get by on skill alone, but desperation in these desperate times now requires that I dress up like a CEO and march in just to tell someone I can answer phones and type memos. How does my clothing show the world any of this? It doesn't. It is stupid. Now I am not saying you should interview in jeans and a tee-shirt, although I should add that half my interviewers have in fact been in jeans and a tee-shirt, but a black suit....come on now. It means nothing at all.

But i digress. I initially met with the CFO or CEO or controller. She was very staunch - but nice. And we had what I thought was a decent, even great, interview. So great in fact she asked me to hang out and meet with the principal. I agreed of course- he would be the guy I would be assisting.

We walk into his office - he glances at a chair and says sit down. I immediately dislike this man and I can tell this will never work. But I say to myself "you've worked for some really big jerks, maria. Give it a chance." Then he asks me several condescending questions about my resume (which is pretty good) and mentions to the CEO that he doesn't need someone to "do all this" - the controller and the principal have a quick conversation about why i would be needed,who I would be assisting, all the while making me insanely uncomfortable.

And then it happens.

"where is this in the Bronx?" (i explain where i live)
"How long did it take you to get here?" (40 minutes...he says sourly "that long?" I consider this quick!)
"Are you married?" (No.)
"do you have children?" (NO. but this time laser beams are about to shoot out my eyeballs)
"Because that would make it very hard for you to get into work". (yes. he fucking said this)

At this point as far as I am concerned the interview is over and I wont even work for this fat, selfish piece of shit whose idea of family is the business he owns and the people (his sons) who work for/with him. I met with one of his sons, just because I didn't feel good walking right out since the CEO had been so gracious so far. He was really nice. If he had been the guy I would work for it would have been a different game.

I got outside and immediately called the staffer who set this up and I told him what happened. He agrees with me that it was inappropriate but defended the guy for asking. When I tell him I cant take the job, he gets aggravated and pretty much terminates the call. At this point I am fine with all this - but I know in my heart it isn't over at all. I know that they loved me. I know I can have the job that I didn't want. I knew they would call him and tell him this.

Phone rings about 40 minutes later. It's the staffer - calling to tell me they love me and that he discussed why i was not a happy camper. He tells me initally he didnt tell them we had spoken, and they sys he told the CEO we spoke. I notice at this point he is a liar, and a bad one at that. He goes on in all sorts of ways to defend why this man asked me these questions, such as wanting to get to know me, which was all untrue because the man told me it was because I couldn't get to work in the morning of I had a family. When i pointed this out to this asshole staffer - he got angry and again terminated the call.

me-" I appreciate what you are trying to do Ric, but he made me very uncomfortable"

ric-"What i am trying to do???? I am only relating information. You know what, I am gonna wish you good luck and say goodbye"


This phone call left me so deflated and made me realize just how shitty women have it. Seriously, I do not want to be thinking about this guy if and when I get engaged, married or have children....which is what I was trying to explain to the agent,Ric the asshole, who really did not give a shit about my feelings, all the while. It is wrong for the guy to ask the questions (illegal actually) but if he wishes to know that and it is something he doesn't want then I agree! Don't hire me! But not only was I made to feel inadequate because I am female, I also had my nose shoved in it....2 more times by my count.

I decided to temp if that is at all possible. I am officially bitter!!

Happy Memorial Day!!

1 comment:

pandave said...

wow, covergirl, like twice! it's one thing to want commission for placing someone but tryign to defend a ceo for breaking the law? indefensible. and if it were that easy, i would have said, take the job so that you can take that principal to the cleaners.

that said, the staffers are not all bad. some are pretty decent.

yeah... don't get the suit thing. at. all.