Friday, September 30, 2011

days off are seriously over-rated.

so as some of you know I am now employed at a school. a Jewish school.  So I was off from work for two whole random weekdays.  Oh the joys.  I can finally do my framing, empty boxes (from March), order photographs, eat pizza and lay half naked on the couch.  Get my nails done. Shop in peace.

and then the cabinet people for our kitchen called.  Said they wanted to do the install on guessed it!....  Sept 29th and 30th.  Well, since I have  been living sans kitchen for like 6 months I decided not to kick a gift horse in the mouth.  I should have kicked the gift horse as hard as I could.

let me preface this by saying the installers are sweet and professional.  the people we ordered the cabinets from are Neanderthals.

yesterday they showed up on time.  Started the install.  Claimed the beams were laid out wrong.  My husband laid the beams and we went over them last night and they are all evenly spaced.  This made it take longer to do the install.  Measurements did not line up TWICE.  This made the job take longer. They also grossly damaged my kitchen floor, again, I was super cool.   So last night they left and all that was left to do was install the crown molding, the kick plates and the handles.  I figure, this will all be done by 2 pm at latest. And then I can go out.

so they came late.  around 11 am.  Now I am agitated.  Mostly because although I am not doing any house work, I am answering questions.   I am trapped in my office space typing a blog.  Today it was determined they sent the wrong crown moldings, in the wrong size....and they are piecing them together. in my humble opinion, they look like shit.   I was just informed , on top of this, they do not have enough to finish the job and will have to come back a third day.  I cant be here a third day.  And since I or my husband have to sign off, this is all turning into a steaming pile of poo. Additionally, they were going to fix my floor, but now we have no time for that.  So instead of being nice I may have to mention all this BULLSHIT to the major company that was hired to do this job.

So it is 3:12 pm.  They are still working.  I have to have this house in order for a meddling 2 year old in about two hours.  it's loud and smells like sawdust and my smoke alarms keep going off.

and as i sit here and i type, i realize how I became a workaholic in the first place.  days off are seriously over-rated.

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