Saturday, October 28, 2006

The little apartment that could...

kill us all?

My beloved Halloween. How could this have happened to you? How could the most pagenistic of all holidays actually be doomed? It never was before. No family. Low costs. Revealing your inner child or ego for fun. It's a perfect holiday. This year it's all off on the wrong boot.

First off. I am sick. I have an ear infection and a sinus infection. I also have some other issues with my nose. So since I cannot drink, I cannot get buck wild. I know, one shouldn't have to drink to have a good time. I am the opposite. I like to wait till I am having a good time and then tie one on. I am good at this. But the way the day is going this shouldn't be a problem.

You may have noticed the winds of 50 mph outside?

Ok I will work around that too!

Today when I work up I discovered my outlet on my bedroom was fried, the plug melted. After having a total shitfit about the "slum" we live in, my landlord made repairs to nearly every outlet in the apartment. It's a good thing we did it too -"we were bound to have a fire." That will be comforting as I go to bed tonight. There are 3 more apartments here. The building is old and I am young with all this technology. It's a deadly combo as we saw today. So if you have old outlets get them checked and replaced before you kill your love ones and quite possibly yourself.

I was supposed to do fun things this weekend and those plans have all crumbled. I think I am going to a party where I can fidgit in my lovely Johnny Ramone costume while I battle my social alcohol problem. Thank jesus my costume for once is very low maintenance.

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