Wednesday, November 22, 2006

thank you note

It's almost Thanksgiving day, and I have tons to be thankful for. Like that I totally kicked school's ass and got two A's. It's official. I have my 1st degree!

This is my Thanksgiving Thank You list:

I would like to thank my roommate. She just gave me some wine and asked me to test taste her creamed spinach. She is dressed like she just stepped out of an asylum(toe socks - you know the socks that look like gloves and a mets headscarf, I think.) I love coming home to her on days like this. We are both in good moods. And will be watching Dexter on bootleg in like 10 minutes.

See my roommate and I have much in common we came full circle. We've also lived together so long that our friendship has changed (but not in a bad way - just as in "I already know all your business, so what should we talk about" sorta way) Now we have Dexter. A new bond over serial killers, alcohol and food has unraveled before our very eyes. I owe her a ton for the past year and change. She really didn't have to put up with me and she did. I won't take back what I said about her choice of evening wear tonite, but I love her.

And lastly:

You didn't think I would forget this guy, did you? TMR41H!

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